Security Tips

The following notes are intended as a brief reminder of actions to be taken or things to remember to enhance your personal security. It is far from extensive and is not intended to worry you or cause undue alarm or consternation but should instead provide reassurance that you and your family, friends and colleagues know how to react in a security “situation”

Guide to reduce the risk of carjacking

  • Take time to plan activities. Try to know the exact route before travelling and leave a planned itinerary with a responsible person.

  • Carry a list of emergency names and phone numbers (in the car and in your phone).
  • Use common sense security measures.
  • Become familiar with surroundings and trust instincts during travel
  • Travelling in convoy in two or more vehicles is often the safest way to travel in areas of conflict or high crime. Having more than one vehicle can deter attack or provide assistance during breakdown.
  • Observe obstructions in the road or a checkpoint from a distance, without stopping, to understand what is happening there. Does everything appear normal? Or are there signs that there may be a problem?
  • Be observant!
  • Keep valuables out of sight. It is best to travel without valuables, if possible.
  • Keep all doors locked, and windows more than half-way up.
  • Vary routes and time of travel.
  • Avoid driving late at night, especially in unknown areas.
  • Do not travel alone, especially if you are a woman.
  • If approaching a suspicious area, stop well before the area to observe other traffic passing through it. This is especially useful for “unofficial” checkpoints.

Increase the security of your motor vehicles

The fact that vehicles (including motorcycles) are valuable and portable makes them attractive to thieves. It also makes it very difficult for you to stop them but here are some tips that can help you to keep your vehicle more secure.

  • Think before parking: Avoid parking in isolated or unpopulated areas where possible. Try to find well lit, highly visible parking spaces. Avoid the dark or far corners of public car parks.
  • Never leave valuables in plain sight: If you must leave anything of value in the car (including sunglasses, spare change etc) make sure it is well out of sight. (And if you decide to put valuables in the boot be discrete so onlookers don't get inspired!)
  • Lock your vehicle: It may sound obvious but how many times have you left your vehicle somewhere and then come back to find one or more of the doors unlocked or a window left open – simply through carelessness.
  • Keep your keys safe: Never leave your keys in the car (even if you are convinced that no-one will ever think of looking under the mat or above the sun visor for them – they will!
  • Accessories: Wheels and tyres are expensive to replace – you don’t need me to tell you that – so secure them. Buy and fit locking wheel nuts for ALL wheels where possible. These may not STOP a determined thief but they may deter all but the most desperate
  • Steering Locks:Steering locks (both for cars and motorcycles) are useful deterrents but they can be broken (motorcycles are particularly vulnerable).

Increase your own safety & security

The loss or damage to personal possessions can be distressing and frustrating (not to mention costly) but the most important thing, which cannot be simply replaced, is you or your loved ones. The following tips can help you to keep you more secure.

  • Plan ahead: Good planning combined with good awareness of your surroundings are your best protection. Avoid putting yourself in situations where you may be vulnerable as this is better than finding yourself in a bad situation and trying to get out
  • Walking on Foot: It is wise to walk on the side of the road which has the traffic on coming so you can see approaching cars. This also means that if a vehicle stops and you feel threatened you can run in the direction you are already travelling and the driver would be forced to turn in order to pursue you.
  • personal alarms: These can be effective in urban or suburban areas. There are number on the market ranging from gas operated ones to battery operated types
  • Mobile phones:Mobile phones are excellent safety and security tools. Part of your planning is to make sure it is fully charged before you leave the house.
  • In the car: Ensure that windows are up and all doors are locked to help prevent intrusion when you stop in traffic. Check you have more than adequate fuel for the journey before leaving. (Planning again!) Keep a mobile phone charger in the car but make sure the phone is charged in case the problem you have with the car is electrical!

Further advisory

-Carjacking can occur when stopped at a traffic light, when parked, when passing through a checkpoint, or when driving down the road. In other words, it is impossible to predict when carjacking will occur. - The following factors contribute to the risk of carjacking:

  • Driving an expensive vehicle.
  • Travelling through unknown areas at night.
  • Travelling alone
  • Conspicuously displaying items of value.
  • Predictable routine driving routes.
  • Not paying attention to what is happening around you or on the roadway.


  • Think and Plan Ahead.
  • Do Not Drink and Drive
  • Remain Alert and Be Observant.
  • Obey speed limits and/or drive according to the prevailing conditions (rain, etc) When approaching a security checkpoint.
  • Drive slowly on approach – reduce speed.
  • Dim headlights/interior light on – if night.
  • Hands visible at all times.
  • Be friendly (remain calm).
  • Show ID, if requested.
  • Answer all questions.
  • If vehicle is searched, protest, but do not resist. Follow the person searching, if possible.

Security of your laptop

  • Never leave access numbers or passwords in your carrying case:. Keeping your password with your laptop is like keeping the keys in the car. Without your password or important access numbers it will be more difficult for a thief to access your personal and corporate information
  • Avoid using computer bags:Computer bags can make it obvious that you're carrying a laptop. Instead, try carrying your laptop in something more common like a padded briefcase or suitcase.
  • Carry your laptop with you:Always take your laptop on the plane rather than checking it with your luggage. It's easy to lose luggage and it's just as easy to lose your laptop. If you're traveling by car, keep your laptop out of sight. For example, lock it in the trunk when you're not using