The following notes are intended as a brief reminder of actions to be taken or things to remember to enhance your personal security. It is far from extensive and is not intended to worry you or cause undue alarm or consternation but should instead provide reassurance that you and your family, friends and colleagues know how to react in a security “situation”
The fact that vehicles (including motorcycles) are valuable and portable makes them attractive to thieves. It also makes it very difficult for you to stop them but here are some tips that can help you to keep your vehicle more secure.
The loss or damage to personal possessions can be distressing and frustrating (not to mention costly) but the most important thing, which cannot be simply replaced, is you or your loved ones. The following tips can help you to keep you more secure.
-Carjacking can occur when stopped at a traffic light, when parked, when passing through a checkpoint, or when driving down the road. In other words, it is impossible to predict when carjacking will occur. - The following factors contribute to the risk of carjacking: